Streaming on YouTube is goes popular nowadays the streaming on YouTube mostly of games.The streaming on YouTube is popular after the PUBG Mobile game is launched before the come of PUBG MOBILE the streaming on YouTube of gaming is quite popular but PUBG MOBILE bring the craze in the world of gaming. There are also other games stream on youtube but people love to watch PUBG MOBILE. After PUBG MOBILE starts stream of YouTube is goes popular and like by people.There are some gamer are quit known by people before Pubg mobile come when these gamers starts stream of Pubg mobile they were get the attraction of people and get like and subscriber.
How to stream on youtube
For streaming of Pubg Mobile on youtube first you have to make a channel and you choose any name you like. After making channel you have to make a logo for your channel logo of your channel would be in high quality to stream on youtube you should have 1000 subscriber but this condition is changed now but when you click on go live option in youtube there will be a note is apper that contains you are not eligible for go live. Next post I will told about solutions for this problem or you have to do nothing.
You can earn money from streaming of games on youtube you seen that when gamers playing games on the screen you see that there is the PAYTM, GOOGLE PAY
number for give money for support him this is called super chat and you can also get money by how may viewer view you gameplay.
Which smartphone is best for streaming games
Every streamer on youtube mostly used iPhone for the best gaming experience or iPhone isn't lag and give smoothness to the users. you can stream with iPhone X and higher model of iPhone or smartphone under 15000 for streaming
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